Future Strategy

We want to gain support from all sectors of recruitment and expand our services island wide In order to do so, we plan on bringing many new branch offices in different areas. We will approach this with patience and perseverance in order to provide best services for our foreign principals, our valued clients and prospective candidates without compromising the quality that has made Makeetha into the well respected company that we are today.
Makeetha has a very active research and development division and its professional team is constantly trying to develop new, innovative services. You can count on Makeetha to be a leader in outsourcing and recruitment, right now and in the years to come.Gearing up for the future, we have the key success factors necessary to withstand the winds of change in technology relying on highest ethical practices in dealing with business to expand bigger marketing channels and tap into potential business opportunities to continuously grow.
We carry on to flourish for the future and look ahead and realize the trends that will shape activities in the future and move rapidly to prepare for the future.